[Exclusive] Santa Monica Working On 2 Unannounced God of War Games

Hey Everyone!

Back with another job listing that I just found. Santa Monica is looking for a Senior Combat Designer (Hero), and this job listing is quite interesting. In the requirements section, it states
  • Must be able to speak to and discuss, in-depth, hero combat systems, mechanics, and enemies in one or more 3rd person melee action RPGs
Also, the preferred experience section states
  • Candidates who are fluent with the combat design choices, systems, mechanics, and enemies in God of War (2018) and God of War Ragnarök (2022) are preferred


From my understanding, they're basically looking to have the new employee work on more than one 3rd person melee action RPG. Since this is listed under the requirements and not the qualifications, Santa Monica seems to be working on two such games. The fact that the very next statement under the preferred experience talks about familiarity with the last two God of War games leads me to believe that the studio is working on 2 new God of War entries.

We already know that a new mainline God of War game is more or less a given. A 2nd project could be the long-speculated Atreus spin-off that many have discussed before. Since they have a whole gameplay system for him, he might receive his own Miles Morales-style solo game before the next big Kratos adventure rolls around. What do you think?
I’ve been a God of War fan since the PS2 days. It’s crazy to think how far the series has come. I’m excited but also a bit nervous that they might overdo it with too many sequels.
As much as I love Kratos, I hope they introduce some fresh gameplay elements. The series could use a little shake-up.
I’m a little skeptical about them working on two games simultaneously. I mean, it’s fantastic that the franchise is getting more love, but I can’t help but worry about potential oversaturation. We’ve seen it happen with other big franchises where too many releases in a short time frame start to dilute the quality.

I just hope that Santa Monica stays true to what made the previous games so great: a strong narrative, incredible combat, and stunning visuals. If they can maintain that while working on two projects, then we’re in for a real treat. But if not, this could backfire.
Honestly, I’m a bit worried. The last game was epic, but I hope Santa Monica doesn’t fall into the trap of making these new games just cash grabs. Quality over quantity,
This is huge news! But honestly, I’m more curious about what direction they’re going to take with these games. The last God of War had such a satisfying story arc, and it felt like it could have been a perfect conclusion for Kratos. But two new games?

That suggests there’s a lot more story to tell. Maybe we’ll see more of the Norse gods, or maybe they’ll even start mixing mythologies. The possibilities are endless, but with great potential comes great risk. They’ve set the bar so high that anything less than perfection could feel like a letdown. I’m cautiously optimistic!