FPS Drop in Roblox After Windows 11

Hey everyone,

I'm looking for some help with my Windows 11 reinstall on my laptop. During the Windows installation, I kept hitting the inaccessible boot device blue screen. After some digging, I realized it was due to my SATA Mode being set to RAID in the BIOS. Switching it to AHCI got rid of the blue screen issue.

After reinstalling Windows, installing drivers, doing my usual tweaks, and removing bloatware, I noticed a drop in FPS in Roblox. It used to run at 144+ FPS, but now it's only hitting around 110-120 FPS. I'm wondering if this FPS drop is because of the repeated hard reboots I did while troubleshooting the blue screen, or if it's related to the BIOS changes. I did disable the RAID mode but turned it back on, and even after resetting the BIOS to default settings, the low FPS persists.

Could it be that Roblox got an update that messed with optimization? Anyone else experiencing similar issues after a Windows reinstall or BIOS tweaks?

I've tried reinstalling Windows and optimizing everything again, but no luck so far. Any advice would be appreciated!
Hey there! Sounds like you've been through a lot with this reinstall. I've had similar issues in the past, and one thing that often helps is making sure your graphics drivers are fully up to date. Sometimes, even if they seem updated, doing a clean install of the latest drivers from the manufacturer can make a difference. Also, check if there's any specific driver or software for RAID configurations that might have been missed during your reinstallation process.
I’ve been in your shoes before with FPS drops after a reinstall. I’d double-check your power settings in Windows and in your GPU's control panel—sometimes they reset to power-saving modes which can impact performance. Another thing to try is verifying the integrity of your game files on Roblox, just in case something got corrupted.