I dont turn off my PC for weeks sometimes months, is it okay?

Hey guys,

I've got a bit of a concern that I hope you can help with. I’m a software developer and gamer, and I tend to leave my PC running 24/7. There are times when I don't shut it down for weeks, sometimes even months. I do this because I have various development environments set up, long downloads/uploads, and occasionally some overnight rendering tasks.

Recently, a friend mentioned that it's not good for my PC to be on all the time, and it got me thinking. I've never really had issues, but I wonder if I'm unknowingly causing harm to my system.

Here's a bit more context:
  • I have a fairly powerful setup with good cooling (liquid cooled CPU, multiple case fans).
  • I run regular maintenance, like updating drivers, cleaning out dust, and monitoring temperatures.
  • My PC is connected to a UPS to protect against power surges and outages.
My questions are:

  1. Is it generally okay to leave a PC running continuously for such long periods?
  2. Are there specific risks or downsides to doing this that I should be aware of?
  3. Would it be better to implement a regular shutdown or restart routine?
Thanks in advance for any advice or insights!
Leaving your PC running continuously isn't necessarily harmful, especially with good cooling and regular maintenance. However, occasional restarts can help prevent software glitches and refresh system performance. Keep monitoring temperatures.
It is fine for most cases, but sometimes you should shut it down when you know there is nothing going on in the PC.