Laptop's battery got so worse all of a sudden

My laptop used to last for several hours on a full charge, but now the battery drains within an hour or so, even when I’m just browsing the web or working on documents. I’ve adjusted the power settings and reduced the brightness, but it hasn’t made much difference. It’s becoming a real inconvenience, especially when I need to work away from home.
sounds like your battery might need to be calibrated. try fully charging it, then letting it drain completely before charging it up again. this can sometimes help with battery life.
you've already reduced the brightness, but also make sure to disable any unused hardware like bluetooth or wifi if you don’t need them. every little bit helps in conserving battery.
if none of that helps, it might be time for a new battery. sometimes batteries just wear out and can't hold a charge anymore. check if you can get a replacement battery for your laptop model.