Solved Need Help Copying USB Flash Drive - Admin Permission Issue

Hey all,

I ran into a bit of a snag. I was trying to copy the contents of one USB flash drive to another USB flash drive, planning to use the second one for something else afterward. But I keep getting this message: "You will need Administrator Permission to copy."

Anyone know the best way to get around this? Any tips would be really appreciated.

Thanks a lot!
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Hey there! Oh man, that's annoying. I've run into that before. One thing you can try is right-clicking on the file you're trying to copy, then select "Properties," and go to the "Security" tab. From there, you can change the permissions to give yourself full control. That usually does the trick for me. Good luck!
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Oh, that's a classic! as mentioned earlier you can try changing the permissions on the USB drive. Right-click on the drive, go to Properties > Security > Edit, and make sure your user account has full control.