Solved PC Running Slow After Windows Update

Hey guys,

After the latest Windows update, my PC has been running really slow. It takes forever to boot up, and even simple tasks like opening a browser take ages. Specs are:

  • CPU: Intel i5-8600K
  • GPU: GTX 1070
  • RAM: 16GB DDR4
  • Storage: 1TB SSD
I've checked for malware and cleared out startup programs, but it's still slow. Any tips?
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Check if there are any pending updates or patches. Sometimes a small update after a big one can fix performance issues.
Check Task Manager to see if any specific process is hogging resources. Maybe a background process is stuck
After major Windows updates, it's not uncommon for some systems to experience slowdowns due to lingering update processes running in the background. First, check Task Manager to see if there's any high CPU or disk usage by specific processes. Look for 'Windows Modules Installer Worker' or 'System and Compressed Memory,' which can sometimes be the culprits.

If these processes are running, give them some time to finish. Additionally, make sure your SSD firmware is up to date, as this can affect performance significantly.
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